Only inquiry for our service within your organization if you are going through a true hardship, we take all means necessary to verify hardship. This service is a true friend’s hand that will help you get back on your feet, and back into the community, as a productive contributing member. This is not a hand out. This program is not to be abused.
The Basics for Phoenix is not open to the general public. Instead, we work directly with family and social service representatives within organizations to help identify the most vulnerable members in our communities. These organizations identify and refer individuals and families that are in true hardship situations.
While some organizations qualify people based on income, housing situation, or other parameters, The Basics for Phoenix is different. We are open to serve the most underprivilege and underserved members in our communities regardless of income level, or other parameters. The only qualification that must exist in the eyes of the referring party (school or social services representative) is a true need for assistance.
The Basics for Phoenix is a 501c3 federally exempt charitable organization. Donations made may be tax deductible.
EIN: 85-2610382