To contribute to the beautification of Phoenix, Arizona by upcycling and social and economic stability, by helping the most underserved and underprovided families in our city.
Our mission is to help underserved families build strong support systems and take ownership and pride in our communities by increasing self sufficiency and improving their living conditions.
We believe in the value of every human being and in working with those in need in a way that begets integrity, respect, acceptance, appreciation, and love towards one another.
We believe in spreading love and kindness by sharing what we have with those in need and assisting others in doing the same. We believe in helping our planet become healthier by encouraging and repurposing and upcycling of (all things!) in our case furniture to those in need.
We believe in working together with those in our community to make the world a better place, lending a helping hand to those who need it the most.
The Basics for Phoenix started with a seed of gratitude planted by its founder, Brenda Miko.
When she learned of the many young adults aging out of the foster care system with very minimal support to start their adult life on their own and of the many struggling families displaced by our current pandemic, she knew she had to turn her passion of helping people into something greater.
Brenda began working with social service organizations to identify those in need. She found that the list of prone children, impoverished families, and young adults who need help was staggering. With the Covid-19 pandemic driven economic crisis the financial hardships have only increased.
Thus, The Basics for Phoenix was born.
Brenda Miko, The Basics for Phoenix founder:
I am so grateful for the amazing people I have met along my life that have been great Blessings to me. From the teachers to the doctors and everyone in between that have helped me in difficult situations in my life, have inspired me to be that helping hand when I can.
I believe that home is where the roots are planted for a better tomorrow. If we can help people have the fundamental basics in furniture needs and give them a little lift when needed, they can concentrate on what is important: being loving supporting families and caring productive members of society.
That in turn would benefit our communities, thereby benefiting all of us in the long run.
As we work on serving our community members we have come across many families that have fallen in hard times, many elders that no family and young adults with no real support to help them integrate into a productive society. By partnering together with the citizens of Phoenix, taking furniture off the hands of those who no longer need it and giving it to those in need, we are making a dual impact for good.
We are benefiting our citizens by giving them the basics to create a comfortable home and benefiting our planet by way of upcycling.
I love the idea of receiving furniture that one family has outgrown and giving it to a family that desperately needs it. Something that could have possibly ended up in a landfill is being mindfully repurposed for a greater cause!!
We at The Basics for Phoenix hope that you will join us as we work to help alleviate struggles for those in need by way of donating furniture you no longer need, making a monetary donation to help community members get back on their feet, or volunteering for our mission.
If you are in need of our services, contact your social or family service department to see if we are currently working with your organization. We will process every request received from the organizations we are currently working with. We will take appropriate measures we deem necessary to verify hardship. All help will be rendered on a first come, first served basis, provided we have the available resources.
Together, we can help ensure that vulnerable Phoenix residents have a bed to sleep on and other furniture needs met, and give a helping hand where it is really needed. Sharing resources in this manner helps vulnerable and struggling individuals feel valued, cared for, and motivated.
Every Phoenix citizen has the potential to become a productive member of society. Let’s work together to give those who have been dealt a tough hand some love and compassion.
Contact us today at or by calling us at 602-576-9405
The Basics for Phoenix is not open to the general public. Instead, we work directly with family and social service representatives within organizations to help identify the most vulnerable members in our communities. These organizations identify and refer individuals and families that are in true hardship situations.
While some organizations qualify people based on income, housing situation, or other parameters, The Basics for Phoenix is different. We are open to serve the most underprivilege and underserved members in our communities regardless of income level, or other parameters. The only qualification that must exist in the eyes of the referring party (school or social services representative) is a true need for assistance.
The Basics for Phoenix is a 501c3 federally exempt charitable organization. Donations made may be tax deductible.
EIN: 85-2610382